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Resultados de su búsqueda "Trauma".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 20

Childhood Trauma Raises Odds for Adult Headaches

Children who live through trauma may be prone to having headaches as an adult.

New research found an association between headache disorders and traumatic events in childhood, such as abuse, neglect or household dysfunction.

"Traumatic events in childhood can have serious health implications later in life,"said study author

  • Cara Murez and Diane Moy HealthDay Reporters
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  • October 26, 2023
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  • Página completa
  • Affording Health Care Now a Struggle for Half of Americans: Poll

    More than half of working-age Americans struggle to afford their health care and many forgo care, possibly risking their health, according to a new survey.

    The Commonwealth Fund survey queried more than 7,800 individuals aged 19 and up between April and July.

    The survey found that 51% of these Americans struggled to afford their health care, with 32% living with medical debt.


    Are Trigger Warnings Useless? New Study Says Yes

    "Trigger warnings" are now widely accepted as away to help people avoid harm from disturbing content. Trouble is, they just don't work, according to new research.

    Trigger warnings seem like an obvious good: They alert people that a book, video or other media will depict a fraught topic such as sexual assault, abuse or suicide.

    Forewarned, consumers can skip the content or a...

    Childhood Trauma Can Affect a Woman's Adult Sex Life, Study Finds

    A stressful or traumatic childhood experience -- anything from parents divorcing to a sibling's drug problem -- may have long-term effects on a woman's sexual health.

    These adverse childhood experiences may be linked to sexual inactivity and dysfunction in women later in life, a

    As the Popularity of Pickleball Soars, So Do Related Injuries, Poll Finds

    Pickleball is a hot trend and it's getting folks exercising who haven't been so active in a long time.

    It's also racking up injuries -- both overuse type and acute traumas -- often in those aged 50 and up.

    A new poll suggests these players are forgoing care when they hurt their knees, wrists and rotator cuffs. Sports medicine experts are urging them not to ignore their nagging pain....

    PTSD, Other Mental Health Ills Haunt Gunshot Survivors

    For people who survive gunshot wounds, the trauma may leave mental scars that worsen with time, a new study finds.

    Among 87 adults treated for gun injuries at a Wisconsin trauma center, many had worsening symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression six months later.

    The findings, published May 22 in the

  • Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 23, 2023
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  • Página completa
  • Even Without Symptoms, COVID Infection Raises Risks for Trauma Patients

    Having COVID-19 could cause further trouble for patients being treated for physical trauma -- even if they have no symptoms of the virus.

    Researchers studying cases of trauma patients who tested positive for COVID-19 and those who were negative found those with the virus had significantly higher rates of heart at...

    Paintball Guns Are Being Used to Harm - And Blinding Victims

    When a paintball bursts out of a CO2-powered gun, it can travel nearly 300 feet per second.

    Pointed in the direction of a face, that paintball - meant to be used in certain jobs or for entertainment while wearing protective gear - can cause devastating injury to the eye, including ruptur...

    Kids Who Witness Domestic Violence May Suffer Mentally for Decades

    Witnessing violence between your parents is traumatic when it happens, but a new study finds that trauma can raise your risk of depression and other mental health problems.

    The study included more than 17,700 Canadian adults who took part in a national survey on mental health. Of those respondents, 326 sa...

    U.S. Surgeons' Group Is Working to Save Trauma Victims in Ukraine

    Images of Ukrainians being carried on stretchers from bombed-out buildings, wounded and bleeding, are heartbreaking, but one American surgeons' group is doing its part to help teach the war-torn country's citizens how to halt life-threatening bleeds.

    When serious injury strikes, time is of the es...

    Trauma in Childhood Can Harm Health for a Lifetime: Study

    As if suffering through a childhood trauma weren't enough, new research suggests it might raise the risk of poor mental and physical health later in life.

    Researchers analyzed nearly 2,900 responses to the 2019 New Zealand Family Violence Survey and found that about 45% of respondents said they had no adverse childhood events, a majority experienced at least one, and one-third reported mo...

    The No. 1 Cause of Halloween Injuries: Carving the Pumpkin

    Your Jack-o'-Lantern may be more than scary -- it could be dangerous.

    Pumpkin carving is the leading cause of injuries associated with Halloween, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

    Between October and November 2018 in the United States, 44% of Halloween-linked injuries were connected with pumpkin-carving activities.

    More than one-quarter of Halloween-rel...

    Study Confirms Rise in Child Abuse During COVID Pandemic

    Physical abuse of school-aged kids tripled during the early months of the pandemic when widespread stay-at-home orders were in effect, a new study finds.

    Exactly what triggered the surge is not fully understood, but other studies have also reported similar upticks in child abuse. A pediatrician who was not involved in the new research suspects COVID-19 and pandemic-related stresses create...

    Big Rise in Injuries From E-Scooters, Hoverboards

    Hoverboards, electric scooters and electric bikes are the transportation of choice for a growing number of Americans, but they're taking many straight to the emergency room.

    Injuries associated with these so-called "micromobility products" skyrocketed 70% between 2017 and 2020, according to a soon-to-be-released report from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

    That in...

    Childhood Trauma Linked With Higher Odds for Adult Neurological Ills

    Kids who suffer abuse, neglect or household dysfunction are more likely to have neurological problems like stroke or headaches as adults, researchers report.

    "Traumatic events in childhood have been linked in previous studies to a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, riskier health behaviors like smoking and drug use, and decreased life expectancy," said researcher Dr. Adys Mendizabal,...

    Witnessing Abuse of a Sibling Can Traumatize a Child

    Seeing a parent abuse a sibling can be as traumatizing as watching a parent hurt another parent, a new study finds.

    And it can lead to depression, anxiety and anger, researchers say.

    "When we hear about exposure to family violence, we usually think about someone being the victim of direct physical abuse or witnessing spousal assault," said researcher Corinna Tucker. She is a profess...

    Sexual Assault Could Affect a Woman's Long-Term Brain Health

    It's known that sexual assault affects a woman's physical and mental health. Now, researchers say these traumatic incidents may also harm her brain health.

    A new study found that traumatic experiences, including sexual violence, may be linked to greater risk of dementia, stroke and other brain disorders.

    "Identifying early warning signs of stroke and dementia are critical to providi...

    One Activity Causes 4 Out of 5 Sports-Linked Spinal Injuries

    Football and other contact sports get a lot of attention for their injury hazards. But for most adults, bike riding is the biggest back-breaker, a new study suggests.

    Of more than 12,000 sports-related spinal injuries among U.S. adults, researchers found that a full 81% were due to bicycling mishaps. The injuries mostly included vertebral fractures, often in the neck but also in the middl...

    Why Losing Someone to Violence Can Be Especially Tough to Get Over

    It can take years for a survivor of a traumatic event to recover from the loss of a loved one, new research shows, but treating the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) early may help prevent what's called complicated grief.

    "Grief is a normal response to the loss of someone close, but traumatic losses may severely harm survivors for years," said lead study author Kristin Alv...

    Barnacles Inspire a Better Way to Seal Off Wounds

    Barnacles may be the bane of ships, but they could point to new ways to quickly halt severe bleeding, researchers report.

    Barnacles are small crustaceans that attach to rocks, ship hulls and even other animals, such as whales. Their ability to cling to surfaces that are often wet and dirty caught the attention of researchers trying to find new ways to seal wounds in emergency situations.<...